eCertis helps to understand what kind of evidence a user can use to fulfill a specific requirement in a European country. For example eCertis can be used to  


e-CERTIS presents the different certificates frequently requested in procurement procedures across the EU. Currently, the documents required differ from one country to another. e-CERTIS help tenderers and contracting authorities to find their way through this maze. In particular, e-CERTIS can help:

Sustav e-Certis je referentni alat, a ne služba za pravno savjetovanje. Sustav ne jamči da će javni naručitelj informacije dobivene pretraživanjem priznati kao valjane. Sustav samo pruža informacije s pomoću kojih korisnici mogu lakše saznati koje su potvrde i uvjerenja obično potrebni u postupcima javne nabave u pojedinim državama članicama. Vejledningen ”ESPD – Dokumentation og e-Certis” fra 2017 er ikke længere tilgængelig på hjemmesiden, da den tog udgangspunkt i ESPD-løsningen fra EU-Kommissionen.

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Evidence osob v IS CERTIS. Evidenci osob (pedagogických i nepedagogických pracovníků) v informačním systému evaluačních projektů Centra pro zjišťování výsledků vzdělávání (CZVV) CERTIS (dále jen IS CERTIS) za účelem jejich nominace pro odbornou přípravu nebo založení uživatelského účtu k oprávnění pro vstup a stanovené činnosti v IS CERTIS nebo v datovém a e-Certis je informačný systém, ktorý Vám pomôže identifikovať certifikáty vyžadované pri postupoch vo verejnom obstarávaní v jednotlivých členských štátoch  COMUNICATO STAMPA. Appalti pubblici transfrontalieri: operativo il nuovo sistema informativo europeo e-Certis. Da oggi è on line il nuovo sistema informativo  Az E-Certis az Európai Bizottság által létrehozott és fenntartott elektronikus megfelelőségét a közbeszerzési eljárásban, az E-certisben kell, a vonatkozó  Benvenuti in e-Certis, il sistema informatico che consente di individuare i certificati e gli attestati più frequentemente richiesti nelle procedure d'appalto in tutti i  Zu nennen sind insbesondere die Einheitliche Europäische Eigenerklärung (EEE ) und das Online-Dokumentenarchiv e-Certis. Umfangreiche Regelungen  För att göra det lättare att lämna anbud vid offentlig upphandling i andra EU- länder har EU-kommissionen tagit fram informationsverktyget e-Certis, med syfte att  The ESPD service is integrated with e-Certis - a mapping tool used to identify and compare certificates requested in public procurement procedures across the  documents translate to documentation in other European countries? Millstream has the answer e-Certis is a mapping tool that helps you identify the equivalent. The use of e-Certis by contracting authorities will be made mandatory as from 18 October 2018.

e-Certis makes it possible to identify and compare the different certificates required in EU tenders. To consult the e-Certis database, simply enter the description of the document you are looking for and select the country in question. Research is possible in all EU languages.

Radi olakšavanja prekograničnog nadmetanja, države članice dužne su osigurati da se podaci vezani uz potvrde i druge oblike dokazne dokumentacije koji se unose sustav e- Certis koji je uspostavila Komisija stalno Define e-Certis. means, a Europe wide scheme of professional certification for potential suppliers to Government. ESPD – Dokumentation og e-Certis Konkurrence - og Forbrugerstyrelsen Carl Jacobsens Vej 35 2500 Valby Tlf.: +45 41 71 50 00 E-mail: Online ISBN 978-87-7029-673-1 Vejledningen er udarbejdet af Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen.

e-Certis är ett informationssystem som innehåller upplysningar om de vanligaste typerna av bevis avseende uteslutningsgrunder och kvalificeringskrav i offentliga upphandlingar som finns i medlemsstaterna i EU. e-Certis innehåller alltså inte information om enskilda företag eller intyg i elektronisk form utan information om vilka intyg som utfärdas och används i de olika medlemsstaterna.

DSD. Data. Provider. SMP. Linking up TOOP with. eProcurement. Link Evidence. Cosa è e-CERTIS: E' il servizio online realizzato dalla Commissione europea che permette di identificare differenti certificati /attestati richiesti nelle procedure  Information for ?

E certis

K&N Efthymiadis and Certis Europe have formed a new joint venture under the name of KNE Certis, based in Maarssen, Holland. KNE Certis aims to bring the experience, expertise and resources of both companies to the development, registration, marketing and distribution of crop protection products, fertilizers and seeds in South Eastern Europe. e-Certis is a mapping tool that helps you identify the equivalent certificates used in public procurement in different European countries. If you are a BUYER that has to evaluate bids received from various Member States, or a SUPPLIER wishing to participate in a public procurement procedure, e-Certis can help you understand what За нас K&N Efthymiadis и Certis Europe създадоха нова съвместна компания с името KNE CERTIS, със седалище в Маарсен, Холандия. Se hela listan på CERTIS intervient à la demande des producteurs, fabricants ou fournisseurs, pour valoriser un produit ou une démarche, et d’attester au nom de ces opérateurs du niveau atteint.
Enkla pranks hemma

e-Certis es una guía de los distintos documentos y certificados que deben presentar las empresas licitadoras en los  9 Mar 2016 e-Certis: la simplification et la dématérialisation au service d'un meilleur accès “Carrying out of public procurement by electronic means (i.e..

Projektledarutbildning universitet

E certis

e-Certis. Ne zaboravite kako je od 18. listopada 2018. obvezno korištenje e- Certis baze! Što je e-Certis? e-Certis je informacijski sustav s pomoću kojeg možete 

Ne zaboravite kako je od 18. listopada 2018. obvezno korištenje e- Certis baze! Što je e-Certis?

e-Certis makes it possible to identify and compare the different certificates required in EU tenders. To consult the e-Certis database, simply enter the description of the document you are looking for and select the country in question. Research is possible in all EU languages.

K&N Efthymiadis and Certis Europe have formed a new joint venture under the name of KNE Certis, based in Maarssen, Holland. KNE Certis aims to bring the experience, expertise and resources of both companies to the development, registration, marketing and distribution of crop protection products, fertilizers and seeds in South Eastern Europe. Az E-Certis az Európai Bizottság által létrehozott és fenntartott elektronikus rendszer, melynek célja, hogy könnyítse az eligazodást az uniós tagállamok ajánlatkérői által a kizáró okok és alkalmassági feltételek kapcsán megkövetelt igazolások és nyilatkozatok rendszerében.

1. Al fine di facilitare la presentazione di offerte transfrontaliere, le informazioni concernenti i certificati e altre forme di prove documentali introdotte in e-Certis e   eCertis. e-Certis. e-Certis - to system informacyjny umożliwiający identyfikację różnych certyfikatów i zaświadczeń wymaganych najczęściej w postępowaniach o  Common Assessment Framework · Latest News and Publications; Other Links . eTenders · eCertis · Freedom of Information · Public Procurement in the EU. 9 Apr 2021 SINGAPORE - About 62,000 e-mails from the public, businesses and customers of local security firm Certis, some containing NRIC and credit  13 Nov 2015 O e-Certis é uma ferramenta que pretende facilitar a participação em procedimentos de contratação pública, que decorram na União Europeia,  eCERTIS je on–line databáza certifikátov, osvedčení, atestácií a dokladov, ktoré sú najčastejšie vyžadované v súvislosti s postupmi verejného obstarávania v  12 Jun 2018 In a move that will provide U.S. growers with new combinations of bacterial disease control products, OmniLytics, Inc., a subsidiary of Phagelux,  procurement by electronic means the requirement to use e-Certis for new procurements and replacement of the European Single Procurement Document with  11 set 2018 e-Certis è il servizio online realizzato dalla Commissione Europea che permette di identificare i differenti certificati/attestati richiesti nelle  Opublikowano: ABC Status: Nieaktualny, stan prawny na: 31 grudnia 2020 r. Autor: Różowicz Konrad Wykorzystanie informacji z repozytorium e-Certis w.